Home Africa News What Happened:Horror Scenes In Harare CBD As Policeman Is CRUSHED To Death...

What Happened:Horror Scenes In Harare CBD As Policeman Is CRUSHED To Death By Fleeing Mshika-shika Driver


The Zimbabwe Republic Police is appealing for any information leading to the location and arrest of a driver and owner of a Mitsubishi Canter truck which was pirating near Simon Muzenda Street (4th) on 16/11/20 at around 1530 hours.

Said driver was picking up hitchhiking passengers at an undesignated point when a police officer approached him.

In his attempted to flee, the driver ran over the police officer who was crushed to death and died on the spot

The driver then fled the scene after the incident and the police are appealing to anyone with information pertaining to the matter to report at any nearest police station.

It has not yet been revealed where the driver was pirating to at the time of the horrific accident.

With the transport woes and kombis which are not aligned to Zupco still banned in the city centre, a lot of people have taken to hitchhiking.

Vehicle owners have also decided to find a way to supplement their income by picking up hitchhikers.

The police have been monitoring the situation and running interference against drivers who pick hitchhikers up at undesignated points.

Most of the drivers usually flee upon sighting the police and in doing so, they take off at high speeds and end up ploughing into crowds accidentally, often with fatalities.

Zimbabwe has been plagued by horrific deaths in the past week, from flamboyant businessman Ginimbi and his friends dying in a horror car crash, to a Chivhu woman slitting her 4 small kids’ throat in a bid to revenge her husband to three more people dying in a horror crash in the same manner as Ginimbi and friends.


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