Home Music Watch:Alick Macheso’s chanter and band member Jonas Kasamba has fondled a female...

Watch:Alick Macheso’s chanter and band member Jonas Kasamba has fondled a female ZRP Band member on the stage


The incident happened at a Harare hotel last Thursday.

“Majuice” Mpochi, Kasamba’s co-dancer, pulled the chanter away from the ZRP Band member.

The incident happened in full view of senior police officers.
Kasamba, Majuice and Zaka Zaka performed with the ZRP Band at a fundraising dinner organised by the Ruwa community to build a police station for the suburb.
Alick Macheso was absent from the show.
“Aah, aaah, no that is too much zvakwana mudhara,” Majuice was heard saying as guests were taking pictures using their cellphones.

The Ruwa community, working closely with Chief Inspector Anna Chota, has been partnering the police in fighting crime such as armed robberies and stock theft.
Ruwa’s captains of industry, church leaders, farmers and teachers were part of the guests at the fund-raising dinner.
Officer Commanding Harare province, Commissioner Wonder Tembo, attended.
“Modern policing does not separate community and police officers,” said Comm Tembo.

“We thank the Ruwa community for working hand-in-hand with police in fighting crime.
“Such partnership will see a crime-free society that will create an environment for business investment and peace.
“I would like to commend Chief Inspector Chota for teaming up with the community in this project,” he said.
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