Controversial Socialite Mai TT has finally addressed the recent uproar over some viral photos circulating on social media. In a shocking revelation, she claims that her body has been manipulated through photo editing to present her in an unfavourable light.
Mai TT Claims That The Photos Were Edited
Speaking out against the controversy, Mai TT boldly claimed the beauty of her own physique, vehemently denying the authenticity of the widely shared pictures. She firmly stated that her ex-husband, Tinashe Maphosa, deliberately utilized photo editing techniques to alter her supposedly curvaceous “Nyash” to appear flat.
Not stopping there, Mai TT further alleged that Maphosa maliciously manipulated the photos to make it seem like she possesses saggy breasts.
Mai TT’s Shock and Disbelief
In a lengthy social media post, Mai TT expressed her astonishment at the circulating images, emphasizing that they do not accurately represent her true appearance. Writing in her vernacular, she conveyed her distress:
“Pandakatumirwa maphotoz ndakashama ndakavhunduka ndokutarisa zvaari ndakavhunduka ndokuzvitarisa ndokushamiswa kwazvo. Ndokuzoona video yemunhu arikutamba nesikarudzi yakaora pasina chiso achinzi ndini zvekare ndakatora nguva kuzvitarisa ndokushamiswa zvekare kuti nekugeza kwese kwandoita ndingaita tsvina yakadaro? Ndokuona kuti kwakuwedzera salt kuti zvinyatsondibaya. Mapicture andinoziva ndeayo andakatorwa video na Tinashe maphosa ayo aatora akaedita to feed his ego akatumira Ketty Masomera. kuita kurembedza mazamu nephoto edit nekuita kurova hake backyard yangu neiron. Hongu zvinonyadzisa asi kamawaneyi after??”

Apologies and Strength
Moreover, the outspoken socialite expressed her sincere apologies to her numerous fans, followers, and family members for the embarrassing ordeal they have endured.
“Ruregerero kune vese vawona zvinhu zvinosemesa kudaro nevese vanondisapota. Regai vaite zvese zvavanofunga vanogona kuita Nekuti spiritualy chaiyo vanditadza regai vabate nyama ndoyavanokwanisa.”
With her courageous stance, Mai TT hopes that her admirers and supporters will see through the alleged deceit and embrace the truth. She firmly believes that her spirituality will guide her through these challenging times, urging her fans to remain steadfast.
Unveiling the Dangers
In a world where perception can be manipulated, Mai TT’s revelations shed light on the potential dangers of digital alteration and its impact on body image. The quest for truth amidst the chaos continues as the controversy surrounding her viral photos unveils