Man collapsed after being bitten at his pr!v@t3 p@rts
Esnar Mabande (56) and Standford Myambo (46), who have been living together for seven months, have been experiencing frequent conflicts, often stemming from Esnar’s inquisitive nature whenever her boyfriend receives calls from other women.
According to Stanford, their latest disagreement erupted after Esnar demanded to know the identity of the person who had called him.
The situation quickly escalated and the two agreed to remove their p@nts because they were in a situation where they didn’t have to hide anything.
Stanford then pushed Esnar onto a sofa, gr@bbed her by the throat, and started squ33zing her.
Esnar retaliated by grabbing her partner’s pr_v@te parts and b_ting them.
Stanford coll@psed and bl33ding profusely.
Neighbours, alerted by the commotion, intervened and called for medical assistance.
The two were transported to a local hospital for treatment and they have since been discharged.
“I’m scared for my life because he is constantly threatening to k!ll me,” said Esnar.
“Anoti anoda kundiuraya ozozvipedzisa.
“He is always asking where his m@chete is whenever we are together.
“Mukanzwa kuti ndafa ndiye.”
Stanford said:
“I don’t want to k!ll her, ehe anotaurisa but I want her to come home titaurirane.
“If she wants me to leave her house I will to create space for her.”