Home Africa News TiGonzi responds to Chivhayo After was declined a car

TiGonzi responds to Chivhayo After was declined a car


Zimbabwean rapper Tinashe Gonzara, popularly known as Ti Gonzi, replied to a controvercial businessman, millionaire Sir Wicknell Chivayo after he said that Levels ,Ti gonzi & Extra-Large are not going to see Victor for cars.

In statement on facebook TiGonzi replied saying please do read Matthew 4:8-9 it reads, ” Again and showed him all the Kingdoms of the world and their Glory. And he said to him,” All these things i will give you if you fall down and worship me.

coments below
Alexa Gwins Rushway
Ava vanonzi Ti Gonzi ndiBaddest, he is a King asina hake Kingdom. His live performance challenges you, the sing-along yacho and anoita senge atori na Someone waari kuudza, one waunofunga kut achatodzikira pastage chaipo. He brought about so many Collabos we never thought we needed. That’s Ti Gonzi for Zim????????????????

Manjenjenjehwan Pee Simbi
Vanopihwa ndevane mudzimu inobvuma kutengwa nesugar nevakasofuratirwa kare nengirozi muchengeti,otherwise kana une kutenda Razaro akariona denga asi jaya mupfumi haana????

Admire Dube
You are the Man Gonz

Munya Warren
Goliath is half way falling down,,,, David is standing up for the name of the Lord his God. Chivhayo your reign of manipulation is coming to an end you better know what’s important in this life which Love, Hope and Faith in the one and only true God

Brian Magwaza
Exactly my bro don’t relay on hand outs they are very dangerous


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