Home Africa News Student comm!ts su!cide after repeatedly failing exams, family dumps body at lecturer’s...

Student comm!ts su!cide after repeatedly failing exams, family dumps body at lecturer’s house


In a video clip that is circulating on social media platforms, a student from Ebonyi State University comm!ted su!cide after lecturer repeatedly failed her in her exams.

Newsreportzim.com has learnt that the parents of the now deceased brought her body to the lecturer inorder for her to bury the now deceased as they point out fingers that their daughter committ3d su!cide due to her.

According to source,it is alleged that the suspect denied the allegations levelled against her.

Ebonyi State University student commits su!ci*de after a Lectures repeatedly failed her.

Her mother brought her corpse to the school. She said the lecturer should come and carry it ????


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