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Vakadzi Hatina Zera Navo,Zvinzwire Munyaya Inotevera


Pane mukadzi anonzi Simakuhle Ncube akavhara muzukuru wake anonzi Culverwell Venge mari inokwana kuita US$37,000. Culverwell is a businessman and ane hukama nemurume waSimakuhle Ncube. So Simakuhle Ncube aitoziva hake kuti mukomana ane mari so she looked for a plan yekumubira mari.

The first plan yanga iri yekunyepera kutsvagira Culverwell musikana anonzi Tarisai Mlambo. Culverwell akatanga kudanana naTarisai Mlambo zveOnline dating asiri kuziva kuti munhu waari kutaura naye ndiSimakuhle Ncube.

Later on, Simakuhle Ncube created a plan yekuita kunge murume waTarisai Mlambo found out kuti Culverwell ari kudanana nemukadzi wake. Then husband uya started demanding cash from Culverwell achiti unofanirwa kuripa mhosva yekudanana nemukadzi wangu. Culverwell had no choice but to pay mari iya.

Then later on again, Simakuhle Ncube akafunga another plan yekutora more money from Culverwell. This time, Simakuhle Ncube pretended kunge Tarisai ari kurwara from the stress of being caught cheating, which led to Culverwell paying for fake medical bills and surgeries. After mari yemaMedical bills yabhadharwam Simakuhle Ncube came back again then she claimed kuti Tarisai needs mari yekuenda kuIndia for treatment.

After apihwa mari yekuenda kuIndia, Culverwell akazoudzwa kuti Tarisai afira kuIndia and pakudiwa more money yekudzosa Body yake. After that, murume waTarisai akabva anzi azviuraya and Culverwell was forced to pay more money to avoid revenge from the family. Chinoshamisa panyaya iyi is that Culverwell haana kumbobvira asangana naTarisai or murume wake.

Nyaya yakazobuda after Culverwell found out kuti maPhotos aishandiswa anga ari evanhu vanotogara kuBulawayo and they had different names. That is when he decided to go and report kuPolice. In total mukomana akarohwa US$37,000.


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