Zoro Makumbe Weku CT Joe Slovo Abatwa Aba Mota Watch Video Achirangwa


Ma Zimba problem yenyu munoroyana Pa chenyu,munourayana Pa chenyu zvese neku dzikisirana apa mese muri foreign land.

Mese makauya diaspora to hustle but mega pachezvenyu moutirana hutsinye hamudi kusimudzirana sezvinoita mamwe marudzi

Mukubirana mega Pachenyu,last week 4 Zimbabweans were short dead ne police nenyaya dzeku bhadarisa vanhu protection fee

Zimboz killed in Dunnon

Zvinonakidza for a short time but the ending will always be in tears

Yesterday in Cape Town Brooklyn two Zimbabweans stole a car and everything was captured on a video

One of the guys akabatwa anonzi Zoro Makumbe anogara ku Joe Slovo.Tine video rake achirohwa zvino siririsa gumbo rakaita buri achirohwa ne boyz

Zoro Makumbe

Anobvunzwa kuti mota iripi hanzi iri kumba kwa Prosper uyo anogara ku Kraaifontein

Prosper haasati abatwa ari busy kutsvagwa ne police but Makumbe is in custody now


Video below Makumbe achirohwa ne vanhu vaakabira mota


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