Home Africa News (Bhurugwa re babe)Yabatwa zvayo hanzvadzi ya Terrance ichirova zvayo raw musango

(Bhurugwa re babe)Yabatwa zvayo hanzvadzi ya Terrance ichirova zvayo raw musango


Zve vanhu vanofarira kukanganisa vanhu vanenge vachizvi nakira musango zvichapera riniko

These guys one day they will come across munhu achambovarova zvekuti because vanojairira vanhu

Vabata hanzvadzi ya Terrence Yanga yazviwanira dhunda wayo and decided to enjoy the cake pakati pesango
The pain yeku batwa usati Wapedza unoita kunge warohwa ne chitima kkkk

Bhurugwa ra babe ndo razopedza ma sports rinongoda mozvionera mega video racho chivhara ngozi chekwani

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