Home Africa News 33 year old Bulawayo man caught achi chaya munakwa ndega mumota

33 year old Bulawayo man caught achi chaya munakwa ndega mumota


A 33 year old Bulawayo man was on Monday caught achirova gwetengwe inside his car by the parking lot

Witnesses vanoti they saw the man lowering his trousers then he started pleasing himself

Vanhu started calling each other to witness what was going on.Garry his name pakaona kuti chachaya pano ndabatwa he locked his doors to avoid being attacked by the crowd

Police arrived and they arrested the man for indecent public behaviour
Another witness confessed that Garry has been doing this for years hanzi mudiro waanoita bonyora achatorora his right hand kuita mkadzi

Chiitiko ichi chaitika ku Bulawayo CBD muna 9th avenue


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