The Roman Catholic Church-run Gokomere High School in Masvingo has expelled 15 Form Four learners following disturbances that recently rocked the school.
On Friday last week, school principal Acquanos Mazhunga wrote letters to parents with children in Form Four to take them from the school in a bid to restore normalcy. Reads the letter:
_Please come and collect your child today. I am sure this will curb the persistent unrest in the school._
However, only 15 pupils have been expelled and the rest allowed back into the hostels.
This came after rowdy Form 4 boys fought against the Advanced Level boys just before the commencement of public examinations.
The Herald reported Mazhunga as saying the expelled 15 will have to commute from home for each day they sit their exams. He said:
_We now have calm at the school and I am happy to announce all the Form 4 boys are back at the school except some 15 rowdy boys who will sit for their final exams coming from home._
_We had to take drastic action because the Form 4 boys were fighting their Form 6 counterparts and we identified 15 ringleaders whom we have now banished from the school and will only come to sit for their final exams._
A few weeks ago, Form Four learners at Gokomere High School marched from the school to Masvingo City to present a petition to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education officials alleging corruption at the school.
They marched along the Harare-Masvingo Highway and were stopped by anti-riot police a few kilometres from the city and ordered back.