Home Africa News Breaking:Mnangangwa fires Chris Mutsvangwa

Breaking:Mnangangwa fires Chris Mutsvangwa


Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa has been removed from his position as Minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle.

Mutsvangwa also held the role of ZANU-PF Secretary for Information and Publicity.

This was announced in a statement by the Deputy Chief Secretary George Charamba.

The President also appointed 3 new deputy Ministers for the Ministry of Information, Foreign Affairs and Local Government.

The appointments have been announced by the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr Martin Rushwaya through a statement released this Saturday.

The three deputy ministers are Honourable Omphile Marupi, who has been appointed Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services; Honourable Sheila Chikosho, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and Honourable Benjamin Kabikira, Deputy Minister of Local Government and Public Works.


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