Home Africa News ??Prophet Walter Magaya Vakandizora Mhopo Kunhengo Dzechikadzi Havachada Kubhadhara

??Prophet Walter Magaya Vakandizora Mhopo Kunhengo Dzechikadzi Havachada Kubhadhara


Following the list of several rape cases involving the Harare necromancer, Walter Magaya, a latest woman has come up with more damning allegations. To date most cases have proved to be true with Magaya officially paying out lumpsums in out-of-court settlements.

In another case, the preacher is seen on video while in a police station confessing to paying bribes so to cover an investigation up.Another case has the man’s other girlfriend being killed while on a fake church trip personally commisssioned by him, the victim- Chipo Chakanyuka, whose family Magaya is still paying compensation for 5 years later.

Another of Magaya’s victims was assisted by ZimEye to obtain an out of court lumpsum payment im compensation.Although ZimEye could not obtain a direct comment from Magaya on this latest case at the time of writing, we have engaged him concerning 5 others that have been proven to be credible accounts confirmed by legal documents as well as LIVE video recordings. In August this year, Magaya telephoned ZimEye and promised for a whole day interview (to explain his conduct towards scores of young women) which he never turned up for and his numbers became unreachable soon afterwards.


Dear Editor

I have been sleeping with Walter Magaya for almost 2 years he has aborted 3 of my pregnancies; now I have developed genital warts and have been sick asking for assistance so I can get treatment for warts and he is refusing.He even changed his number.He sleeps with all his students he calls for seminars.He would invite me to his Marlborough house for sex and would ask me to massage him.I was his sex slave.He would tell his wife he is going for prayers yet he will be sleeping with me. But now he can’t help me have doctors treatment.When he would travel he would book us in different rooms, so his guards don’t know.I need your help


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